Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Author of the Month-November

It's that time again! This months featured author is Magnolia822.  I happened across this fic called 'A Quiet Fire' one day when a friend of mine suggested I read it.  I was instantly hooked and stayed up all night reading.  I literally went without sleep because I couldn't stop reading; I had to know what happened, and because well, she (Magnolia822) is THAT good.  Once I finished AQF I ran over to her FFN page to see if she had written anything else, and lucky for me she had.  I devoured Strange Brew and An Acquired Taste, along with any outtakes or extras.  Simply put, Magnolia822 is an amazing author (one of my top favorites) who knows just how to pull you in and not let you go.

Q: How were you originally introduced into the Twilight fandom?

A real life friend of mine was started reading the books and I had good fun teasing her mercilessly. She insisted I read for myself, and I reluctantly agreed to try the first. Of course then I was hooked, and she got her retribution making fun of me. Such is life! Anyway, once I’d read the books and seen the first movie, I heard about Twilight fanfic and read my first story, which was Wide Awake. By then I was well on my way to becoming obsessed.

Q: How did you decide on your fan fiction penname?

Steel Magnolias is my favorite movie ever. I’m kidding! Actually, I just like the flowers. I didn’t really give it that much thought, to be honest.

Q: Who are your top 5 favorite Fan Fiction authors?

Well, let’s see . . . the Twilight fandom has so many talented authors, picking just five is near impossible. So, I’m going to list moar! These ladies are absolutely amazing: Abstractway, Derdriu oFaolain, katinki, WriteOnTime, LifeInTheSnow, BellaFlan, theladyingrey, kharizzmatik, Tuesdaymidnight . . . that’s more than five. Oops! I also read a lot of Merlin and Harry Potter fic, but that’s another can of worms altogether.

Q: What is your all time, number one, absolute favorite fic? Why?

Emancipation Proclamation is my favorite Twilight fanfic; I was so attached to the characters, and Khar did an amazing job developing them. The secondary characters are just as interesting and complex as the primary couple, and the plot is so unique . . . it will always stick with me.

Q: How did you decide that you wanted to write Fan Fiction?

I’d never really considered myself a fiction writer, but once I’d been reading fanfiction for a few months, I wanted to take a shot. It seemed like a fun thing to do, though I never really thought anyone would read my stuff. In college I took a creative writing class and was total crap at it—I think perhaps writing fanfiction is a good “gateway” into the writing world because in some ways the basic tools (characters, plots, settings) are already there. You can learn how to use them in new and exciting ways.

Q: You have written quite a few great stories, which one in particular are you most proud of? Why?

I’m probably most proud of A Quiet Fire because of the time it took to write. I put everything I had into that story, and I was glad that people enjoyed it.

Q: An Acquired Taste is one of my all-time favorite fics. What was your inspiration behind that story? What made you want to write it?

Well, I love food and cooking, so I definitely wanted to write a fic where that featured prominently; and I also love hot English chefs. So there’s that. My beta, Mac214 (who is awesome), was the inspiration behind the cat/babydaddy narrative. She suggested it as a joke and I ran with it!  New York is the best city in the world, in my humble opinion, and it seemed the perfect setting for this particular cast of characters.

Q: How did you come up with your plot and storyline for Strange Brew?

My husband and I went for a weekend trip to Vermont and visited several local breweries. It occurred to me I’d never read a fic with Edward as a brewer, and I though that would be very hot. Plus I love beer, and it was very fun to inspire readers to try local brews and less well-known brands. To some extent, Sam Calagione (owner of Dogfish) was inspiration for Edward. He’s waaaay more laid back than Beerward, of course, but is very passionate about his product. And it doesn’t hurt that he’s quite good looking as well.

Q:  Out of all the Edwards you have created, which is your personal favorite? Why?

Definitely Beerward, mainly because I wrote that story from his perspective, so I was in “his” head the whole time. Sarcastic, cranky, loveable—horny—he was very fun to write.

Q: If you were given the opportunity, to present your own stories to Rob Pattinson or Jackson Rathbone, which one would you give them to read? Why?

Oh my god the HORROR!!!! I would be so terribly embarrassed to have any of the cast read my stories. I guess I’d maybe give them . . . I don’t know . . . the one with the least sex? Oh wait . . . er . . . My answer is that I would rip my story from their hands and run from the room.

Q: Writers often look up to the styles of others, before finding their individuality.  Who has been an inspiration to you and your writing?  Why?

Kazuo Ishiguro is my favorite writer. Stevens, the butler-narrator of Remains of the Day, is one of the most inspiring characterizations I’ve ever read. His narration is so very unreliable because he’s in such denial about himself and his life, and yet truth and pathos shine through. If I could write something even an eighth as good as that book in my life, I’d consider it a life well lived.

Q:  Are there any other pairings or genres of twi-fic that you would be interested in writing? 

 Well, as you may know I’ve already started dabbling in slash . . . I’ll probably be doing more of that! I may attempt a Jasper and Edward at some point.

Q: Who are your go-to people when you need advice or help with your writing? 

 Mac214, BellaFlan, ArcadianMaggie, because I trust their judgment implicitly. And also my husband.

Q: Are there any future projects you may have lined up, that you would like to tell us about? 

 As of now, I don’t have any concrete plans, but that could change! I’ll definitely keep you posted.

As always I would like to thank Magnolia822 for taking the time to do this, even though she was in the middle of a huge snow storm.  Check out her fics and leaver her some love; she has a few Harry Potter and Merlin projects as well.

Click HERE to go to her FFN page

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