Hidden Treasures

Welcome to Hidden Treasures: Where You'll Find All of the Best Underappreciated Gems!

Our goal is to get the word out and let these gems sparkle!

Join MzB every month for an interview with one of the authors of a Hidden Treasure!

October Hidden Treasure:
When Life Gives You Lemons: Eat Them by DreamersDaze
"When a family member's health scare makes her question her own lifestyle, Bella begins a journey to find common ground between outer beauty, inner beauty, health and peace. Will she be able to find love, in others and within herself?"

This is definitely a 5 star gem! All of you need to go read this wonderful tale about what women (and sometimes men) go through to become healthy and happy individuals. I'm not going to lie... this story made me cry. YES! The stone cold hearted bitch (me) cried, more than once, while reading this wonderful fic.

So I got to sit down (well, we both sat at our computers... that counts right?) with the wonderful woman who writes this empowering story... 

About You- The Author

1.       When did you arrive in the fandom and how?
·         Well like most people I fell in love with the books first. I was already familiar with fanfiction.net because of friend of mine was writing Harry Potter fanfiction...so as I fell in love with the Twilight Saga I was struck with the desire to check out the Twilight fanfiction. I lingered, anonymously reading until September of 2009 when I finally fell so deep into love with this fandom that I had to get more active.

2.       You say you fell in love with the fandom... care to expand on that?
·         Well it started with a love for the literature that I was reading. Then after I created my profile I started interacting with authors who would respond to my reviews. The love for the words expanded into a love for the people behind the words. I ended up creating a fb page so that I could interact with fandom members. My relationship with the fandom grew from one of passive reading, to the active making of friends.

3.       How did you come up with your penname?

(MzB waits patiently…)

MzB: don’t think too much lovey! I promise any answer is a good one!
·         When I was younger and I found a book that really sunk under my skin I’d finish it and then sit in a daze (sometimes for hours) and daydream about the world that I’d just read about. Somewhere along my teenage years, I lost touch with that dreamy part of myself and reading fanfiction brought that back for me.

4.       What was the first fic you stumbled across that you will NEVER forget?
·         Progress by 107yearoldvirgin. It was the first Twilight fic I read and it’s what pulled me into the fandom.

5.       When did you first start writing?
·         Technically in April of 2010. I started a story that didn’t make it past a couple of chapters because I’d been so excited to write that I’d kind of jumped out of the gate without a real plot.

6.       So there were no childhood doodles? No poems?
·         I suppose I never counted the things I wrote when I was younger. They were normally spontaneous and incomplete because I never had the confidence or attention span to follow through. There were some poems and essays written throughout my school career that I’ve liked enough to hold onto, but other than that my daydreams rarely left my head.

7.       How did you choose the genre you write in?
·         Well I’ve only got one WIP under my belt at the moment which is a Romance/Drama. I think the Romance genre is one that really embodies fantasy and makes you feel like your leaving the world around you behind. As for Drama...well...I feel like Drama is a given genre within every fic in the end. I do have plans to delve into other genres in the future, specifically horror/fantasy.

8.       Where do you get your ideas?
·         The majority of my ideas come from personal experiences. There are so many times during a day that I see or hear something and jot it down in my little notebook because it’ll go perfectly into the next chapter.

9.       Is music an integral part of your writing process?
·         Yes. I cannot start a chapter until I’ve got a song that goes with it. Usually I have an outline and general idea of where I want to go sorted out...but I have trouble translating the outline into an actual chapter unless I have a song that embodies the mood.

10.   DUN DUN DUN… Do you ever experience writer’s block?
·         Oh yes! In fact, my current WIP saw over a month pass between two chapters because I couldn’t get over it. I seem to have gotten past the really bad version of writer’s block, but with almost every chapter I experience what I call a ‘mini block’. There’s always at least one scene where I know exactly what I want to happen and what I want it to look and feel like, but some unseen force keeps me just detached enough from the plot that I can’t focus on the writing and the flow.

11.   Do you work with an outline, or just write?
·         I attempted to work without an outline, but it leaves me a disorganized mess. My outlines are usually very loose, just a list of the really big emotions or plot points that I’m 100% sure of. I’ve found that if I overdo the outlining I feel stiff and boxed in and it becomes counter productive.

12.   Have you written a fic that hasn’t seen the light of day?
·         Well, the fic I started in 2010, saw light for a few chapters before I took it down and shoved it in a box marked “Disaster: Do Not Open.” Other than that I have many outlines that have not seen the light of day. Planning the ideas is easy, but if I’ve gotten to the point where the idea is a fic then it’s guaranteed that I’ll be posting it.

MzB: SOOOOOOO… Currently you have one WIP… Called ‘When Life Gives You Lemons: Eat Them’
13.   How did you come up with the title?
·         I’ve always been interested in how people end that saying. I think the way people choose to deal with the metaphorical Lemon says a lot about how they deal with obstacles in their life. The title arose from a conversation I was having with a friend in which I declared that “When life gives me lemons I eat them.”

14.   I know you’ve said that most of your stories come from real life... but- is anything in your fic(s) based on real life experiences or purely all imagination?
·         When Life Gives You Lemons: Eat Them is enormously based off of my experiences and struggles with my weight. My Bella, particularly, is hugely based off myself. Almost anything she says or thinks is directly related to something I’ve said or thought at some point. Obviously plot gets tweaked here and there to make things interesting, but the story as a whole and what it stands for is based off my personal experiences.

15.   What has been your favorite chapter (or part) to write and why?
·         My favorite scene so far is in chapter 10. Bella has a moment during a particularly difficult exercise where she finds her will to fight. There is a moment where she casts aside her tendency to lie down and give up, and decides that she CAN do it, that she’s worth fighting for. It made me proud to write that scene, especially because it was based off my own personal experience.

16.   Can you tell us about any upcoming projects?
·         I have a post it note full of future story ideas. I’m really excited about the story I have planned next. It’s based off of a film called Excess Baggage which stars Alicia Silverstone and Benicio Del Toro. Also I have plans to write a very dark Twilight/Little Red Riding Hood-esque story.

17.   Are there certain characters you would like to go back to, or is there a theme or idea you’d love to work with?
·         I may do some outtakes of my current fic when it’s finished. A lot of my readers have been curious about seeing things from Edward’s POV but I haven’t been confident enough to go there as of yet. I have a gnawing hunger to work with some dark fantasies, and I have a few outlines that play with Twilight/Fairy Tale crossovers.

18.   What would your characters think about you? Do you think you’d be friends?
·         Well my Bella and I would definitely be friends. We’re almost exactly alike. Because of those similarities I’d probably have similar relationships with the rest of the characters as she does.

19.   What’s the toughest criticism you’ve been given? Best constructive criticism?
·         My beta’s are amazing at giving constructive criticism. They aren’t afraid to say “I get what you were trying to say here, but it just doesn’t sound right.” There have been a couple times when readers have pointed out a typo, or a mix-up with dates/times. But for the most part I’ve never received anything that isn’t constructive criticism meant for the betterment of the story.

20.   Do you remember who gave you your first official review?
·         My first review was actually from one of my beta’s, telling me how glad she was I’d posted and how proud she was of me.

21.   Who’s reviews affect you in more than an “OMFG I GOT A REVIEW” way? And why?
·         Well, I value all of my reviews and the fact that someone took the time to hit that button and leave feedback. I also love it when people tell me their favorite quotes or moments from the chapter. When it comes to reviews that linger under my skin many chapters later...those are the moments where a reader tells me that they personally related to the chapter. The times when a reader says “I feel like you pulled this right out of my head” or “I feel like this so often” are the times when I feel most humbled and proud as a writer.

22.   How do you react when a BNA reviews your story? What BNA’s have reviewed your stories?
·         I’m going to answer this out of order to ensure that no on gets offended. I don’t get to read as much as I’d like to anymore… So the only BNA I know of who reviews is FictionFreak95 (Author of Dick for Hire). I think the first time she reviewed I stopped breathing for a bit and then attempted to pull it together and write a response. But in general, I feel especially touched when any other author, who has a story of their own to work on, takes the time to read and review my work.

23.   Do you push yourself to write a certain # of words per chapter?
·         Sometimes I do, despite my better judgment. I’ll feel competitive with other chapters and attempt to match length, but it usually doesn’t end up working. I’m not always happy with the length, but if that’s the way the chapter comes out, that’s what I run with.

24.   Do any of your characters clamor to be heard over others? Do you tend to have to silence that character to get anything done?
·         My Bella is the loudest, maybe because she’s the one I tend to relate to the most. Sometimes I have trouble quieting her opinions and reactions enough to hear what my other characters are saying.

25.   Is there a particular author or book that influenced you in any way?
·         I think C.S. Lewis (Chronicles of Narnia series) has had a huge influence on me ever since childhood. That was one of the first book series that captivated me to the point where I would sneak out of bed and read under the covers with my flashlight. It’s the series I compare all other series too. The feelings I get reading those books, of feeling swept away in the plot and the setting, is the feeling I want to give my readers.

26.   What fics have influenced you the most (in life and in writing)?
·         Anything by 107yearoldvirgin or FictionFreak95, because they add such a vibrant life to their words and amazing depth to their characters. It’s something I strive to add to my writing. They’re also amazing at adding different layers to all of their stories, so that you don’t feel like you’re reading ‘Rinse and Repeat’ characters. That’s something I’m going to really pay attention to as I work on other stories in the future.

27.   What do you want your readers to take out of your work?
·         I think the biggest thing I want my readers to take from my writing is that they aren’t alone. The Bella in Lemons is struggling with her weight, and with trying to figure out the difference between the place where she’s comfortable with herself, and the place where society is comfortable with her. Beyond that I know that everyone everywhere has those moments where they feel ‘less than’. I suppose I want everyone to take a moment of feeling ‘just right’ from this story.

28.   Do you have any advice to give to aspiring writers?
·         Don’t let fear hinder you. If there’s a story in your heart that wants to be written, let it out. Most importantly, I believe that an author has to write for themselves. No matter how many positive reviews you get, if you aren’t writing a story that you’re engaged and invested in, you’re going to lose steam. Post a chapter for your readers, but write it for yourself first.

29.   Is there anything that you would like to say to your readers and fans?
·         That I appreciate them all more than words can express. That I am humbled they want to take a journey through my head. I hope they know that they give me strength and direction, and that their support touches my heart.

About You- The Person and The Reader

30.   What do you do when you are not writing?  If I’m not writing I can usually be found curled up somewhere with a book, or in my room singing along to my iPod.

31.   Birthdate? May 20th 1987

32.   Do you think you line up with the description of your astrological sign?  My friend says “You’re such a Taurus” all the time. This is usually when she feels that I’m being too nice about something, or that I’m worrying too much. I usually see Taurus described as patient and loving, with a desire for security and that’s definitely me.

33.   Describe yourself in 5 words.  Sensitive, Loyal, Warm, Observant, Insecure

34.   What do 5 words do you think other people would use? Innocent, Compassionate, Insecure, Stubborn, Free Spirited.

35.   What inspires you (in life)?  That can vary depending on moments and situations. But generally...my greatest inspirations come from literature...or the people around me.

36.   Chocolate or Vanilla? If I’m stressed or in a bad mood...chocolate... if I’m happy...vanilla

37.   What’s a secret you’re willing to share? Oh that’s a tough one. I don’t have many secrets. When I was 9... I stole a pack of gum from a Wal-Mart. It was sort of an accidental steal. I got tired of holding it while I was following my mom around the store, and put it in my pocket, not realizing till we were home that it hadn’t been paid for.

38.   Favorite color? Purple

39.   Favorite memory? It’s hard to whittle them down to just one. But one of my favorite memories is from back when I was 7. I was staying with my Grandma in Delaware for a few months, she was losing a battle with liver cancer and my mom and I were taking care of her. I went outside after it had rained and took a ‘mud bath’. I was terrified to go back inside my grandma’s condo because I thought she would be mad at me. Instead she just laughed and made me one of the nicest bubble baths in her great big tub.

40.   Dogs or Cats? I love them both but if I had to choose... Dogs.

41.   Tea or Coffee? COFFEE. Always coffee. I’m waiting for someone to invent a coffee IV to make my early mornings at college easier.

42.   Light side or Dark side? Light side

43.   Favorite teeny bopper band? Shit. I don’t even know what bands are popular with teeny boppers these days. About two years ago, I liked a band called Metro Station that was really popular with teens.

44.   Favorite band of all time? Meg & Dia or April Smith and the Great Picture Show.... both little known indie bands that everyone should go check out.

45.   Favorite health food? It’s a tie between celery or bananas

46.   Favorite junk food? Ben and Jerry’s ice cream. Particularly the Milk and Cookie and Dublin Mudslide flavors

47.   Favorite ethnic food? If hummus counts as ethnic… If not...tandoori chicken.

48.   Favorite alcoholic beverage? Long Island Iced Teas or Rum and Coke

49.   Any bad habits? Oh god yes...I tend to lick my lips too much when I’m nervous....and it makes them super chapped. Also I have a bad tendency to cross my arms over my chest when I’m nervous in a social situation.

50.   What is your biggest pet peeve when reading “real” stories? I’m really picky about being engaged in the plot. If I don’t feel drawn into something fresh and original by the time I’ve reached the fifth page...I get cranky and toss it aside.

51.   When you review- do you take time to think it through or just let thoughts flow? I try to do a little bit of both. If something really sad or anxiety provoking has happened...I want the author to really feel the emotions their words have evoked in me. But then I go through and pull out pieces of dialogue that I found meaningful, maybe interpret symbolism or put forth some ideas of what’s going to happen next.

52.   Do you enjoy the more realistic fics (not just AH- but when relationships, etc. are closer to reality)? Yes I do. I love fantasies and things that are out of the box, but I’m a little bit pickier with those. And even if the setting is fantasy...I like the relationships between characters to still stay close to real life situations.

53.   What is the most unrealistic thing that has happened in fics that you just can’t stand? I can’t stand it if sexually inexperienced characters have the most perfect ‘first time’...especially if the scene is described with things like “They just knew what to do” or “Instinct took over”.

MzB: Ok... So now we’re going to play a little game. I’m going to give you a word... and no matter how ridiculous- you need to give me the first thing that pops into your head.

Mandy: The psych major in me loves games like this!

MzB: Bwahahah just wait until you see what is in store for you!

Word Association

54.   Edward :: yum
55.   Twilight :: soothing
56.   Jacob :: smelly
57.   Blueberry :: tart
58.   Pixie :: Alice
59.   Wolf :: russet
60.   Charlie :: fishing
61.   Porn :: strange
62.   Bella :: stumbling
63.   Emmett :: goofy
64.   Forks :: wet
65.   Finger :: yes
66.   Carlisle :: doctor
67.   School :: learning
68.   Rosalie :: ice
69.   Penis :: scary
70.   Jasper :: strained
71.   Esme :: mother
72.   Trucks :: loud
73.   Boob :: SNUGGLE!
74.   Angela :: shy
75.   Bikes :: leather
76.   Cliffs :: stupid
77.   Climax :: pleasure

If this *witty* banter didn't tell just how amazing the woman behind this awesome story is... Here's a few words from the authors/pre-readers that know and love her.

107Yroldvirgin*shifty eyes*  You want to know about Mandy Pants? Because, I won’t tell you. It’s a secret, her awesomeness is, you know? Like, If I told you how amazing she was, you’d  want a piece of her too. And I can’t have that, because I don’t like sharing. If I told you that her pre-reading skills are second to none, and that she sends feedback in the form of term-paper long dissertations that make you feel like you could rule the world with an iron fist, then you’d want her to pre-read for you, too. And I just can’t have that. Nope. You can’t have my cyber cheerleader with the puffiest pom-poms in town. Nuh uh. So, no, I will not tell you about Miss Pants. She shall remain a secret. And you can’t have her.

Missy aka HottyGurl7: How much do I love Mandy? Let me count the ways…
Let me start by saying Mandy is an awesome person, with a fantastic personality and a heart of gold. She'd help anyone with anything, and is always full of honest and open minded advice.
I met Mandy around February of 2010. It's a little fuzzy to me, but I think a mutual friend of ours had posted on her Facebook wall that a friend of hers was looking for a beta, and I offered my services. We started talking, juices started flowing, and we worked together instantly. We're still working together — I am one of her betas and she pre-reads my stories for me.
(We consummated our relationship by getting married via Facebook on April 7th, 2011. It's been just over four months now, and we're still going strong. I love my Twifey.)
Mandy is one of the sweetest people I have met to date in this fandom. I haven't had the privilege of meeting her in person, but I hope that someday I'll be able to attend one of the annual H00rications and meet up with all of the lovely ladies, including Miss Mandy Pants, herself. 

Five words I would use to describe Mandy:
Trustworthy, Passionate, Nurturing, Witty, & Beautiful.

As you can see DreamersDaze aka Mandy Pants is a pretty awesome chick who writes a wonderful story of REALISTIC HAPPENINGS.