Friday, May 13, 2011

Down & Dirty with Jordan929

Down & Dirty with Jordan929

Author of
“Best Night of My Life”
Winner of the EdwardGetsFicd Contest


Q:  How did you originally get involved with the Twilight Fandom?

A:  My girlfriend, at the time, nagged me until I read the saga…I fell in love with the books and read them straight through, four times.

Q:  Have you come across any influential people in the Fandom? 

A:  Several people come to mind.  Edwardslove82, BellaDonnaCullen, FictionFreak95, Robicorn,  Trouble Follows, just to name a few.

Q:   What made you decide to write Fan Fiction?

A:  I read a few fics and thought ‘I could write that’, so I tried.  I had two fics posted on that I pulled…one, I just lost interest in writing and the other was a collab that just wasn’t working out.  Now BNOML is posted, along with my multi chap fic ‘Protective Instincts’.

Q:   What was your inspiration behind “Best Night of My Life” ?

A:  I’m a visual person…I like to put myself in my characters’ shoes and live through them.  That’s what I did with BNOML…I asked myself what was a fantasy that I’d like to play out, and I wrote it down.  Also, my pic that I chose was very helpful ;)

Q:   What made you decide to enter our contest?

A:  Edwardslove82 asked me if I would consider writing a o/s for it, so I gave it a shot…I never thought I would win.  BNOML was my first attempt at writing a lemon.  I was nervous about posting it, but apparently it doesn’t suck complete nuts.

Q:   Do you ever ‘get off’ on what you write?

A:  No, I don’t.  I’m a perfectionist to an extent, so when I read what I write, I’m not reading the words as part of a story…I see them as words put together to form sentences and I’m looking for errors and such.  So no, I’m very mechanical about my writing.

Q:   Do you write about your own sexual fantasies? 

A:  Since BNOML was the first, and currently, only lemon I’ve written the answer is yes.

Q:   Who are your top five Favorite Twilight Fan Fiction Authors?

A:  Edwardslove82, BellaDonnaCullen, FictionFreak95, Kharizzmatik, Whitlock-Masen.

Q:   What are your top five, all time Favorite Fics?

A:  Emancipation Proclamation, Clipped Wings and Inked Armor, The Dick Series (by FictionFreak95), The Practice of Love, and The Workshop.

Q:   When writing a lemon, do you picture your characters involved in the situation, or do you picture yourself in it?

A:  My characters.

Q:    Who are your ‘Go To’ people when you need advice with writing?  

A:   Edwardslove82, BellaDonnaCullen, nikita2009, and xxxTailored Dreamsxxx.

Q:    Do you have any special writing techniques?

A:  I like writing with someone.  I WC with Edwardslove82 quite often.

Q:    Do you have a personal preference on writing styles?

A:  I hate fics that are written in the present tense, the only exception to that so far is ‘A Quiet Fire’.  I also don’t care for fics that are told from a narrators POV.

Q:   When you’re writing, do you picture other people/actors other than the Twilight cast as your characters?

A:  Nope…that’s the one thing I think Catherine Hardwicke got right, was the casting.

Q:   Are you currently working on any other projects?

A:  Yes, ‘Protective Instincts’ is my multi chap fic…I’m also working on a sexy lil o/s for a friend.

Q:   How do you get into the writing mood? What’s your muse?

A:  Quiet.  I can’t write with music or anything else playing in the background.  I’m easily distracted lol

Q:   What is your best writing environment?

A:  Sitting in bed with my laptop.

Q:   Would you like to collaborate with any other authors?  Who & why?
A:  I’m in the process of working with two other authors at the moment:  Edwardslove82, on a sexy farmerward o/s, and nikita2009 on a multi chap fic.

Q:   Would you ever be interested in writing any slash fics for Twilight?

A:  Yes…as long as it was Edward/Jasper.

Q:   Which characters, other than Edward & Bella, would you be most interested in writing?

A:  Rosalie and Emmett.

Q:   Which Twilight character can you most relate to? Why?

A:  Edward.  I tend to keep to myself (in RL anyway), and I prefer solitude rather than a large crowd.  I’m a huge pessimist and I find it very hard to trust people.

Q:   Do you share any common traits with Rob Pattinson?  What are they?

A:   Well, according to my fic wife, I have his smile.  But other than that…I run my fingers through my hair when I’m nervous/anxious.

Q:   If you could go anywhere, where would you most like to go on vacation  and who would you bring?

A:  Fiji and K Stew lol

Q:    Are you a laid back ladies man or a hopeless romantic?

A:  Ummm romantic? I guess?

Q:    Boxers or Briefs?

A:  Definitely boxers…the boys need a lil room to breath.

Q:   If you could meet Rob Pattinson… and you had the chance to ask him one question…what would you ask?

A:  How many licks does it take to get to the center of a tootsie pop?

Q:    Kristen Stewart walks up to you and asks you to give her one fic rec that would change her life… what is it?

A:  E-motherfucking-P!! I fucking loved that fic!

Guest Questions, Asked By Bell Jacobsen
Q:  "Is there anything that you have written in your fics, that you haven't done sexually and if so what is it, and is it something you would be willing to do?"

A:  Pretty much everything in BNOML…and fuck yes I’d be willing to replicate that o/s…in a goddamn heartbeat.

Q:  "How did you get into the world of reading Fan Fiction?"

A:  I read the saga through four times, and was getting burnt out on it, when I came across  Prelude by BellaDonnaCullen was the first fic I read…the rest is history.

Fast Facts 
Favorite color:     blue or black

Favorite movie:    Remember Me

Favorite book:     Water for Elephants

Favorite quote:   “Live today like there’s no tomorrow”

Favorite band:     I don’t have a favorite…I’m a music freak, so it’s hard to choose just one.

Favorite shirt:     wife beater

Favorite place to kiss on a woman’s body:  going to go with the obvious and say lips.

Favorite place to be kissed on your own body:   lips or jaw

Your most common used word:    FUCK

Your most outstanding characteristic:   opinionated / sarcastic 

Your best friend:     Nicci and Sara

Your most prized possession:    my blackberry lol…I don’t go anywhere without it.

Author name:    Jordan929
You can follow Jordan on Twitter  @Hotsauce_Twiguy  or find him on FaceBook ( J.c. Mazen ).

Author Bio:       I’m nothing special, just a 21 year old guy who reads and writes twilight fan fiction.  I’m opinionated and rough around the edges…you either like me or hate me…either way is fine with me.  I don’t put up with bullshit and I can’t stand whiners.

Author credits:       BellaDonnaCullen, Nikita2009, Tailored Dreams…the list goes on and on…thank you for talking me off of ledges and encouraging me to continue writing.

Amanda DcCullen…thank you for your awesome banners…they seriously fucking rock (as do your manipz)

And last but definitely not least, I’d like to thank my fic wife Edwardslove82.  She’s the one who pushed me to get back into writing and the one who busts my balls to keep me on track.  I am forever indebted to you for your friendship and encouragement.”

Interviewed by:  Amanda DcCullen, Callie  (WoahNow), Nicci (EdwardsLove82) & our Guest… Bell Jacobsen. 

Disclaimer:  A Slice of Lemon blog, The EdwardGetsFicd contest, nor The Featured Author, or any mentioned fandom writers, have any known affiliates with Stephenie Meyer or The Twilight Saga.  No copyright infringement is intended.  We do Not own any rights to Twilight, nor the characters involved.  However, any original plots and story lines are property of the respected authors. 

1 comment:

  1. OMG....that was a fan-fucking-tastic interview. Awesome questions....your an amazing writer J. I loved the o/s you wrote and I can't wait for more on Protective Instincts. It's an awesome fic right off the ground and I'm sure it will be everything you ever imagined it would be. I really can't wait for that o/s of farmerward....y'all are gonna kill me witht that one. I'm sure of it. Your an amazing writer Jordan and I look forward to reading lots more from you in the fucking rock. :)


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