Saturday, September 17, 2011

A Worthy Cause

A message from SexylexiCullen:


Good evening! It is with a heavy heart that I reach out to you all this evening. Within this fandom, we write and donate to causes, mostly for disasters and unfortunate events that plague cities, towns, states, and countries. But, rarely do we donate to help our own--the people within this fandom that could use our help. As a fandom, I believe we should look out for one-another, especially if one of us are in need.

I've recently been made aware of @MostlyALurker's heartbreaking story. Her story touched me, and since last night I have done everything within my power to help out. I donated money, my time, and, next, I plan to donate a one-shot.

Being that Quiet Storm is the most popular of my stories, I plan to donate an outtake of your choice. Was there ever a circumstance or a scene that you wished was longer, that you obtained more information on? Through you guys, the ones who donate, I leave the choice up to you.

Consider me, a writer for hire.

The amount of your donation is of no significance. The more the better, but @MostlyALurker is more than grateful for whatever you can contribute. So far, Savage and SabastienRobichaud have signed up to write outtakes as well. I don't believe any other authors have signed up (I'm not sure). So please, please, please, please help us out!

Once you donate, please get back to me and let me know what you'd like to read. This outtake is for only those who donate. I hate to be a stickler, but I WILL NOT post said outtake for the public, ever--just because...well, I really want @MostlyALurker to get the help she needs. And combined, I hope we help to raise her enough money

Please don't think me horrible. I have spent hours, days, months...writing for this fandom, and I love it and do it for nothing. We don't pay to read fanfiction, but this time, I am asking you...Please! She needs the help!

Thank you for your time.

All the information is here:
‎@adonicass: honestly, i couldn't have done all this without you, bb, and there aren't words enough in the world for my thanks and gratitude. i am humbled by your generosity of spirit, heart, and time. i'm proud and honored to call you friend and will sing your praises from the highest rooftops. mwah...

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