Author of the Month

Thursday, December 1, 2011

~December~Author of the Month~Drotuno~

Hey hey hey everyone...Fat Albert, I mean Nikka here... 

When I got the chance to suggest an author of the month, I jumped at the chance to recommend fan fiction jill-of-all-trades, Drotuno.

A lot of authors are known for being able to master a single genre, whether it be hot smutty romance or angst, but she can write anything!  Vampires, all human, angst, smut, action: trust me when I say she’s written a little bit of everything.  From her one shots, to short stories, to multi chapter fics there’s definitely something for everyone.

My personal favorites:

The Gravity Series: Blood & Glory, Sin & Innocence and Smoke and Mirrors, the third installment which has just begun posting.  One word: Mercward. Fuck me running, drotuno's mercward will not fail to reduce you to a whimpering pile of lady goo.  The man is a shy at times, sweetly stuttering mercenary who takes care of his family, no matter the cost.  Call me crazy but the thought of a rough and tumble soldierward who dabbles in woodworking in his spare time and pilots his own helicopter…le ungh.  Action, suspense, smoking hot lemony goodness…these stories have it all.

The Angel Series: Broken Angel, Angel’s Embrace, and An Angel’s Promise; If you like AU vampire stories, then look no further.  Broken Angel starts out as an AU version of New Moon, and from the start you’re hooked.  This Edward isn’t a shy afraid to touch his lady, and from the beginning the sexual energy that radiates from every word is for lack of a better description: panty melting.  Bella isn’t just a helpless human, she becomes a strong powerful vampire in her own right, and you’ll find yourself hitting the next chapter button like a fiend.

Everything I Thought I Knew:  For something completely different, check out this short story out.  It doesn’t feature vampires or action sequences but regular, normal, everyday people…and a sweet Nerdward and strong feisty Bella that will have you pulling for both of them to figure out what they really want.  Ah, Nerdyward…so yummy.

Her creation of original characters outside the usual Cullen crew is superb.  From the men on Mercward’s crew to the secondary characters like Kevin who draw you into their stories in the Angel series, you’ll always be pleasantly surprised.  She has the gift of creating people who you want to know more about, sometimes more than the usual cast of characters in the books.  Her stories are ultimately E x B, but you’ll be drawn into the back story of others you’d never thought to imagine.

This is just scratching the surface of her stories, so check them out, you won’t be disappointed.

~Drotuno Interview~

Q: How were you originally introduced into the Twilight Fandom?

A: I actually found it doing a search one day online. I was looking for Twilight info and just stumbled into it. The best part was that I was working a temp job answering phones all day, but it was quiet. They gave me permission to “play on the web” if I wanted, and there you go.

Q: How did you decide on your Fan Fiction penname?

A: It's my name. LOL It's the combination of my initials and last name.

Q: Who are your top 5 favorite Fan Fiction Authors?

A: That's a tough answer, because there are so many out there that are just fantastic. And some aren't around anymore, either. In no particular order:


Q: What are your top 5 Favorite Fics?

A: Again...some of these stories are no longer around, but if you can hunt them down, then read them.

Also in no particular order:

The Office by tby789
My Yes, My No by LolaShoes
Emancipation Proclamation by kharizzmatik
Stranger Than Fiction by masenvixen
University of Edward Masen by SabastienRobichaud

Q: Do you remember the first fic you ever read? What was it?

A: Yeah, it was the Office by tby789, Tides of Fate by SparklingTwilight, and Boycotts and Barflies... all at the same time. I started the first two as they were still posting.

Q:How did you decide that you wanted to write Fan Fiction?

A: I've always written something. I started writing when I was in my teens, so the more fanfic I read, the more I got the urge to start again. And I've always written lemons...does that shock you? LOL No, probably not.

Q: When you’re writing, do you imagine the Twilight characters as your own characters, or are there other people you imagine to play the part?

A: It's usually the Twilight characters, especially Rob, because his expressions, physical traits, and habits are too perfect not to use. I have original characters that don't look like anyone but whoever I've made up in my head.

Q: You have written so many great stories. Which one in particular, are you most proud of? Why?

A: Right now...The Gravity series (Blood & Glory, Sin & Innocence). It's the most in-depth I've ever written, because the storyline is all mine, where I'm not really canon with SM's characters. It's like nothing I've ever tried to write, and it seems action has become my forte. It wasn't something that I'd tried before, but as I wrote a few other things, I found I had knack for it, because I tossed in a few action scenes here and there. The Gravity series is riddled with it. And I really like it.

A close second would be Nature of Love, simply for how the story came about. I was watching a PBS special on the Appalachian Trail, and it described the friendships that formed as people walked 2100 miles from Georgia to Maine, and I just couldn't resist putting a Twi spin on it.

Q: The Angelward series was amazing smutty and romantic vampire goodness. What was your inspiration behind that series? What made you want to write it?

A: Ah, Angelward... He was created out of desperation. New Moon drove me freaking crazy...the whole leaving thing, Jacob's whining, and Italy! But Edward's homecoming was too easy, so I thought about what would happen if he'd stayed away for 2 years. What changes would both Edward and Bella have gone through? But it became much more than that. I started to focus on Bella's physical pain while he was away, and what that could've meant. I focused on Jake and his wolfy temper, and because I'm not Team Jacob at all, I ended up making him to be quite the pain in the ass at the beginning.

Why I wrote it was simply for my own personal want. I realize that Twilight was written in a teen genre, but the fade to black situation was frustrating. I wanted to write a vamp fic that didn't quite...fade to black. LOL I wanted to write what I would've wanted to read. I also wanted to address a few issues out there. I've never been a big fan of Renesmee, not that I hate her, but babies with So I removed her from the situation. I nipped and tucked away the things that bothered me, added the elements that I wanted to read, and invented a few more issues. It was simply a selfish story, but turned into something bigger than I expected.

Q: If Rob Pattinson asked you to give him the name of one fic, that would change his life… What would it be? Why?

A: You mean...after I woke up from passing out? Ummm, there have been a few that have touched me personally, so I can't answer with just one: Unanswered Prayers by SparklingTwilight hit really close to home for me, because I've lost both of my parents, and I have so much in common with this Bella that I couldn't breathe on some chapters. Another probably would be My Yes, My No by LolaShoes...for Rob, anyway...because that showed just a little bit more to the coming home from Italy in New Moon.

Q: Out of all the “Edwards” you have created … which is your personal favorite? Why?

A: Mercward. Hands down. I love all my Edwards...completely. But Mercward from B&G and S&I is my absolute favorite. I've written the perfect man, a man that will never exist. LOL He's hot, head over heels in love with his family, tough, smart, and really, really sweet...all at one time. He can cook a meal, build a table, fly a helicopter, bring his wife to sexual heaven and beyond, and shoot bad guys, not to mention rock his kids to sleep. He is perfect and flawed. And his stutter, which should be a bad thing, is his most endearing trait.

Q: You’ve said you’re working on another installment of the Mercward/Gravity Series…Can you tell us anything about any new projects you might be working on?

A: That's it. Just the next Gravity installment – Smoke & Mirrors. In a brief synopsis: Carlisle brings a client to Gravity for protection, but there is more to this famous female singer than meets the eye. The crew not only will have to keep her safe, but figure out who is threatening her.

I can't write more than one story at a time. If something new hits me, it either waits or I have to stop whatever current thing I'm working on in order to get it down. I can't mix storylines.

Q: Are there any other pairings that you could see yourself writing for?

A: No. Not at all. I can't seem to write about anyone but Edward and Bella. I don't even read pairings that aren't in canon. I don't know why, but it's true. I guess that makes me a purist , by definition, because I can't see any other way but the way they were intended.

Q: Writers often look up to the styles of others, before finding their individuality. Who has been an inspiration to you and your writing? Why?

A: Stephen King. I adore that man. For those of you that have never read him, you should. He's not all scary, but he is brilliant. I envy his gift of description. After two paragraphs you know exactly what's in a small complete detail. I love how he can take something innocent and turn it into something magical. I love how what appears one way on the outside, is utterly different when you really start scraping away at the surface.

Q: Who are your “Go To” people when you need advice or opinions when it comes to your writing?

A: My pre-reader GooberLou is my rubber mat, the poor thing. Every thought, every idea, and every stupid concept has been thrown at her. She gives me the best feedback. Ever. She's thrown things at me for doing mean things to characters. She's the first to tell me “absolutely not.” And she keeps me level headed. She's my twin on all levels, except physically, and I adore her for it.

The second person is my beta JenRar. She's the absolute best. She can take a rambling thing and smooth it out completely into something worth posting. She gives great advice, asks tough questions, and keeps me focused. She's not afraid to rattle my cage to keep me busy.

The last – but definitely not least – is MedusaInNY. She does the most amazing things with my blog, with pictures, and my PDFs. God, I love her, because she's always there whenever I need her.

Q: Would you be interested in collabing with another author? For a oneshot, maybe?

A: I'm not opposed to it. I've worked with a few people behind the scenes of some fics, I've pre-read for people, and I've tried beta'ing (though I'm not great at it). If the idea was good, or it was something I could envision, then sure.  Absolutely.

Q: @SueBee0619, one of your readers on twitter would love to borrow Mercward please and thanks. What's your policy on loaning out your fictional creations?"

A: I'd rather not. Though that particular character is just...yeah. I get it.  But I'm kind of selfish with my creations. Although, I appreciate that he's inspired someone, but I have to say no.

Q: Which of your fics would you recommend a newbie read first?

A: I actually had someone ask me this the other day. They PM'd me. I've written a wide range of things, so it would depend on what you were in the mood for. If you want a vamp fic, then Broken Angel. If you want sweet AH, then An Island in the Sun. If you want action/mystery, then B&G. If you just want a taste of my style, then read the one shot Fate Interrupted.

Q: Which of your fics are you most invested in personally and emotionally?

A: The ones that took me out on a limb. There are two that I wrote on a whim, and they were outside my comfort zone. Everything I Though I Knew and Fate Interrupted. Both are shorter, both were out of the blue, and both were written because the story wouldn't shut up in my head. EITIK more than anything just because I pushed myself to get it just right. I tested shorter chapters, tested staying in one POV, and it was such a real little story to me that it probably ranks the highest for emotionally invested.

Q: If you could make one of your characters real, which would it be?

A: LOL... Hmm... Mercward. See the reasons above. ;)

Q: Are you a plot outliner or a “let it come as it goes” er?

A: Both, actually. I map out the basics – characters, basic plot, ending. However, if something takes off as I'm writing and makes the story better, I usually just go with it.

Q: Are there any questions you wish someone would ask?

A: I'm kind of a private person in real life, so as long as that stays private, then you can ask whatever you want.

Q: What is one thing that everyone should experience at least once in their

A: Sex. LMAO Okay, so for real. Everyone should see New York City at least once. There's something about the sights, sounds, smells, and the feel of that city. It's busy, it's crazy, but it's fun and comfortable. It's the best place in the world.

Q: If you could personally tell your readers one thing, what would it be?

A: Thank you! Just...really... THANK YOU! I've been seeing some of my readers since the first chapter of my first fic, and they've stuck by me no matter what I toss out there, so yeah... You guys rock. I love you all. I love it when you laugh, cry, and yell at me. I love advice and music suggestions. I love your impatience, your hatred of cliffies, and your love for my characters.

Q: Do you respond to reviews?

A: I don't, and I'm sorry about that for those that expect it. But it's a real life/time factor issue with me. I would rather post twice a week for my readers than answer reviews, though I have answered questions that have been sent my way. I try to address any issues in my A/N's, but I prefer to give more story than anything else.

Q: If you could give someone who wants to start writing any advice, what would it be?

A: Write. That's it. Just sit down and write. I heard something the other day, and I found that it was true for me. You should write two times. The first draft, you write with your heart. When you go back, you write with your head. It hit home with me, because that's how I write. I let the words flow, then I go back and add details and description. So yeah, just start something. Sometimes, mapping it out isn't helpful. Sometimes, the characters just need to be put down on paper...or doc writer, as the case may be. I tell people all the time... Close your eyes, see it, then write it down. The first time doesn't have to be perfect, because as we all know, the more you do something, the better you get at it.



Big thanks to Drotuno for stopping by to chat with us.  We appreciate it very much and hope you will stop by her page or blog and check out her work if you haven’t already.  Tell her A Slice of Lemon sent ya!

(Big thanks to Nicci for the lovely banners!)


Wednesday, July 27, 2011

~ August ~ Author of The Month ~ Tkegl ~

Hey guys... Nicci here... 

This month, I got the chance to get personal with my all time favorite Fan Fiction author. The Lovely and Talented... Tkegl.

I'm sure by now, most of you have read at least one of her fics, but if you haven't... you seriously need to.  The range of this writer, is outstanding.  She has created a variety of different Edwards and I have fallen in love with all of them, so will you.  I promise ;)

From Shovelward in Beyond Time to EC in Just One of The Boys, these characters may surprise you, make you laugh or swoon but they will always make you blush and fluster. Seriously hot lemons ... romantic, sensual, frisky, kinky, rough, it's always different, but equally intense.  You'll be hanging on every word, begging for more !!! 

I would like to thank her for taking the time to come by and chat with us.  She is a very busy woman and we are grateful that we got the opportunity to interview her.  And if you haven't already, stop by her page, check out her work and leave her some love. Be sure to say A Slice of Lemon sent ya ;)

Tkegl Interview

 Q: How were you originally introduced into the Twilight Fandom?
Probably the same as a lot of people. I read the Saga (repeatedly) and wanted more. I can’t remember what I was Googling, but I came across Wide Awake and discovered fanfiction. I was hooked! A short time later, I made a fan graphic for a favorite author, Psyche001, and she invited me to join Twitter – that’s where I really was introduced to the fandom.
Q: How did you decide on your Fan Fiction penname?
I just needed something quick so I could read and review Wide Awake, and just used an old username I used in the past, but haven’t used recently. If I knew I’d become so involved, I probably would have chosen something prettier! LoL!
Q: Who are your top 5 favorite Fan Fiction Authors?
OH… tough, tough question. I don’t know if I can narrow it down to five! Psyche001, Tallulahbelle, Hunterhunting, ciaobella27, tropicalsorbet, Belindella, BellasExecutioner, Kharizzmatik…I could go on and on, but I’m already over five! ;-)
Q: What are your top 5 Favorite Fics?
Hmmm… I’m totally going to cheat on this one. Top five of all time: Emancipation Proclamation, Living Backwards, Elemental, Set in Stone, and Wide Awake
Top five I’m reading right now: In Your World, Oceans of Doubt, Edroar the Angry Lion, Pinky Swear, and Highway to Hell
I hate doing this, because there are so many amazing fics out there, and it’s hard to narrow it down!
Q: Do you remember the first fic you ever read? What was it?
Wide Awake…and it still holds a special place in my heart.
 Q: How did you decide that you wanted to write Fan Fiction?
I’d written a novel and had been sending out query letters and getting rejection after rejection. I kept reading that if you want to write, you should just keep writing…and I came up with the idea for Beyond Time, and decided I’d just give it a shot. It was kind of an exercise to find out if maybe I just really sucked…and to also work on improving my writing. The response was encouraging, and I’ve just kept writing since then. Now, I look back at that novel and I cringe. It’s really just not written very well! People criticize fanfiction, but I think it’s really helped to improve my writing – the feedback I’ve gotten from my betas and readers has really taught me a lot. I don’t know if I’ll go back and try to fix that novel – I really just hate it now! I do think I’ll probably give original fiction a chance again, though. We’ll see!
 Q: When you’re writing, do you imagine the Twilight characters as your own characters, or are there other people you imagine to play the part?
I generally picture them as their movie counterparts…it’s just how I see it in my head.
 Q: You have written so many great stories.  Which one in particular, are you most proud of? Why?
It’s a weird answer, but I’d say Cerulean and Steel – just because it was something so different from anything I’d written before. It was my first venture into something dark and eerie, and kind of a challenge for me, so I felt quite a sense of accomplishment when it was finished.
 Q: Beyond Time was an amazing story, very well written.  What was your inspiration behind that story? What made you want to write it?
Thank you!  Okay, it came from this. In the Saga, Edward is soooo incredibly perfect. He’s beautiful, talented, does everything well, puts Bella first, and is extraordinarily restrained and controlled. I started to wonder if Bella would have fallen in love with him if he wasn’t all those things. What if she met him when he was human – a normal seventeen-year old boy who was probably like a lot of seventeen year old boys – kind of arrogant…maybe a little stubborn and impulsive…without the near-century he’d had to mature and learn restraint? The only way I could see that happening would be for her to travel back in time and meet Edward before he was changed. The rest of the story evolved from there.
 Q: If Rob Pattinson asked you to give him the name of one fic, that would change his life… What would it be? Why?
That makes a big assumption – that I would be able to speak if I met Rob! ;-)
I don’t know if Rob would be much of a fic guy…from what I’ve read he prefers more cerebral books…I guess I’d suggest Emancipation Proclamation – lots of twists and turns in that story to keep him interested, and it sheds light on a real issue in the world today – the ongoing practice of slavery.
 Q: Just One of The Boys is an epic story and sadly, it’s coming to an end.  Are you planning on any outtakes, or maybe a sequel? Or maybe a reunion tour a few years years later? ;)
Epic? Lol! Well, I don’t know about that, but thank you…that story started out as a silly one-shot and has just grown and grown! It’s out of control! I’m glad you’re enjoying it, though.
There will be an epilogue – and it will be set a few years after the end of the story. I’m not ruling out some outtakes if the inspiration hits. I think with this story, there are definitely some possibilities for outtakes, if people want to read them.
 Q: You’ve said before that you wrote the lyrics for the songs in JOoTB.   Have you composed any music to go along with it? Is that something that you would be interested in?
I hear the songs in my head as I write them, so I have a tune, and I hear the background music, etc. Sadly, I don’t really write music. I could probably plunk out the melody on a piano, but that’s about it. A few people have asked me to sing the songs, but that’s not gonna happen! LoL!
 Q: Out of all the “Edwards” you have created … which is your personal favorite? Why?
Oh, that’s a good question! I love them all for different reasons. But if I had to choose one, I’d probably pick Edward from Do Over. He’s flawed, but he learns from his mistakes, and he doesn’t give up. Either him, or Captain Edward from Cutlass…he’s got a sword! ;-)
 Q: Can you tell us anything about any new projects you might be working on?
Cutlass will be my new WIP once Just One of the Boys is done. Edward is a pirate captain, and Bella thinks he killed her father and stole his treasure, so she’s out for revenge. Of course, things aren’t always how they seem. There will be a treasure hunt…sword fights…an evil nemesis…and some romance along the way. I posted the first couple of chapters in the Fandom for Sexual Assault Awareness compilation, and will probably be continuing it toward the middle or end of August. Again, it depends on when I finish JOOTB.
I also plan on going back and continuing Shifting Gears, my CarlWard Contest entry…I’m not sure when that will happen, though. I have the story outlined…just need the time to write it!
 Q: Are there any other pairings that you could see yourself writing for?
I used to say I was strictly and E/B girl, but I’ve expanded my reading repertoire, and now my writing as well. I’ve written a J/B, C/E, J/E…I’d say I’m open to pretty much any pairing except Esme with anyone but Carlisle – it kind of squicks me out! Lol!
 Q: Writers often look up to the styles of others, before finding their individuality.  Who has been an inspiration to you and your writing?  Why?
Well, since WA really introduced me to fic, I’d say AngstGoddess003 was a big inspiration. After that I read some stories by PastichePen, who really showed me that there are so many ways you can go with fanfiction – her stories are all so different. Psyche001 basically introduced me to the fandom, where I met other authors and readers, and that’s how I got started…so I’d say she inspired me a lot. Many other fic authors inspire me for different reasons.  As for non-fic authors, I’d have to say Stephenie Meyer - None of us would be here without her work, after all. I read a wide variety of authors and they each inspire me in different ways. Karen Marie Moning weaves action, suspense, supernatural elements and romance in an amazing way. I love Janet Evanovich’s snarky, witty style of writing humor. I think we’re all inspired by what we read, but I hope I’ve developed my own style over time.
 Q: Who are your “Go To” people when you need advice or opinions when it comes to your writing?
Well, first and foremost, my beta, tiffanyanne3. She’s worked with me since about chapter 4 of Beyond Time, and is absolutely FABULOUS! WC’s are also a great tool for getting opinions…and sometimes I’ll even just tweet a question asking people for suggestions. And I do listen to readers’ opinions as well – sometimes a review will present a great idea. This has happened a few times with Just One of the Boys.
 Q: Would you be interested in collabing with another author? For a oneshot, maybe?
You know, I don’t know. I am such a HUGE control freak! LoL! I don’t know if I could do it. I think it might be fun, but the other author would probably want to kill me!
Again, big hugs and kisses to Tkegl for stopping by to talk with us !!
Much Love
-          A Slice of Lemon 

I was hit with a little bit of inspiration the other day.  Mine and Nicci's posts are sporadic at best, due to busy lives and schedules, but i have decided to buckle down and set a posting schedule for a few things here on the blog.  The first being a monthly post wherein we feature a fic and do an interview with the author to find out a little more about them and they're writing process.

This months featured fic is 'The Journal' by MsEm

FFN Summary:  His wife's journal. He shouldn't read it, but he can't help himself. My entries I entered into the Quickie Contest, EXTENDED.

I came across this story a few months back.  I was already good friends with the author, so i added it to my ever growing TBR list.  Sad to say that I got so busy that it slipped through the cracks and was sixteen chapters in before I realized it.  Luckily some one posted a link of Facebook and I remembered that I still hadn't read it, so I started that afternoon.  I was immediately drawn in to the world that MsEm has worked so hard to create.  You feel her characters pain, anguish, guilt, hope...everything.  There aren't many details given in this fic, nor does she use the characters names very often, which in my opinion is a rather genius idea.  It allows you to focus on the characters more and the things that they are experiencing.  You're not thinking 'OMG how could Edward have done that to Bella' because 'he' and 'she' (or some derivative) is used.  I will warn you this is not a rainbows and unicorns type of fic.  The angst is heavy and real, but so is the love and hope.  I hope that you will love this fic as much as I do.  Go read and leave MsEm some love!


Interview with MsEm
Q:  How did you originally get involved with the Twilight Fandom?
I saw a link to a story at the bottom of one of those facebook Twilight quizzes. I never even knew about fanfiction before then.
Q:  Have you come across any influential people in the Fandom?
Of course! 
Q:   What made you decide to write Fan Fiction?
Most of my friends are authors- great authors- and I’ve always been hesitant to try. When I heard about the Quickie Contest and saw that it required only 500 words or less, I decided to take the plunge thinking that it would be an easy writing exercise. I found out quickly that trying to put a lot of meaning into very few words was extremely hard, but I loved the challenge.  I didn’t win, but at least it gave me the boost I needed and that one little oneshot turned into a lot more than I intended it to be, but I’m grateful for it.
Q:   What was your inspiration behind “The Journal” ?
Unfortunately, some of it is based on personal experience, but what gave me the inspiration to write it was a movie titled, “The Greatest”. The movie wasn’t based around the husband’s infidelity, and is actually really vague on any details of it, but what you could see was the genuine guilt he had inside him from his mistake. I think that’s what a lot of movies or even fanfiction stories are missing- true, raw, emotion. There are a lot of cheatfics out there, but I wanted to write one where there isn’t so much unrealistic drama… just something real. I wanted readers to relate to it and feel what the characters are going through just like I had felt by watching that movie. 
Q:   Who are your top five Favorite Twilight Fan Fiction Authors?
Shit. Only 5? I feel I may offend some that I don’t include in this, but if you know me and you’re not on here, you know I love you!
Q:   What are your top five, all- time Favorite Fics?
Edward Cullen: Dick for Hire AND the sequel The Dick in Me  by FictionFreak95 (both come in the same package, in my motherfucking humble opinion)
                                                                The Practice of Love by BellaDonnaCullen
Beyond Time by TKegl
Landslide by lambcullen (which I think has been taken down)
The Misapprehension of Bella Swan by HunterHunting (also taken down)
Q:    Who are your ‘Go To’ people when you need advice with writing? 
Mostly my pre-reader, but I will also hit up a couple of reviewers, that I also happen to be friends with, to ask their opinion since I know they have the knowledge about the subject I need help with.
Q:    Do you have any special writing techniques?
I’m not sure yet since this is my first story. I’ve been told it’s unique many times, but that’s mostly because I leave out a lot of the details and use names very minimally. I do that with this story to keep the readers focused on the plot and, also, so they can relate to the characters more.
Q:    Do you have a personal preference on writing styles?
Not really. I read all different styles of writing as long as it’s good. 
Q:   When you’re writing, do you picture other people/actors other than the Twilight cast as your characters?
For my story? Yes. Who are they? I don’t know, but they are not the Twilight characters. In my head, I picture Edward with dark hair, Richard Gere-esque eyes, toned (of course), and lightly tanned. With Bella, I picture her as a kind of Rachel Weisz look-a-like. Seth, he’s definitely not the character from Twilight I picture. He sort of resembles Tom Welling who played Clark Kent in ‘Smallville’ in my mind, and I don’t know why either. Kate, she’s always been Kate Beckinsale that I’ve pictured when writing her. Maybe it’s because of the name.
Q:   Are you currently working on any other projects?
I’m not working on any other projects, but I do have one that’s stuck in my head that will most likely be started as soon as The Journal is finished. I don’t even have a complete plot for it just yet, but I have tons of ideas for it. I’m hoping someone will colab with me because I know it will be fun to write! Just picture the movies ‘Brides Maids’ and ‘The Hangover’ merging together;)  
Q:   How do you get into the writing mood? What’s your muse?
Dude… I have to get myself into their characters to be able to write this story, which means that I have to be depressed, confused, angry, sad, helpless and feeling in love all at the same time… it sucks and it’s draining, but I find that writing really early in the morning helps with it because I am NOT a morning person. I will also catch an episode of Unfaithful: Stories of Betrayal on Oprah’s network, OWN, if I find that I’m at a block in my writing.
Q:   What is your best writing environment?
In my garage. I know that sounds weird, but it’s the only place I smoke and I smoke a lot when I write. Plus, the kids stay out of it. 
Q:   Which characters, other than Edward & Bella, would you be most interested in writing?
Tanya. Fanfic has influenced me so much that I would love to see that woman go DOWN. I don’t even know what kind of story I would write yet, but there are many scenarios that are running through my head at the moment. 
Q:  How did you come up with the idea for “The Journal”?
The idea of it came because I needed a way for Edward to find out about how Bella felt (his infidelity and her attempted suicide) without her telling him herself. I wanted him to process everything without her knowing that he knew yet and him finding her journal seemed to be the best way. Why I wanted him to find out before is because I felt that if she told him herself it would contradict the person she is. She’s a very closed off person who relies on Edward to get her to talk about everything that’s bothering her. She wouldn’t just tell him and then there wouldn’t be a story unless I changed who Bella was, and I didn’t want to do that. 
Q: When you write, do you include personal stories or experiences or is it strictly fiction?
This story has a lot of personal feelings and situations that has happened in my life. There was infidelity in my marriage and also the loss of communication. Even Seth- he’s loosely based on who I was as a teenager. I had no idea my parents were having trouble until I was 19 and my mom left. It’s not unrealistic for a teenager to be completely oblivious to what’s going on with his parents. He just graduated and is now soaking up all the fun he can have over the summer until he leaves for college. I based Kate around what I’d do if I were her. She’s an intelligent person who made a mistake at a low point in her life and realizes quickly she needs to get her own help to cope better from her divorce. 
Q:  What’s the strangest review you have received?
Oh dear.. where to start with this one… The reviewer wanted me to have Bella divorce Edward, go on vacations to exotic places, date younger men in front of Edward… uh.. she wanted Seth to take sides with Bella even though (she thinks) Seth is as self-absorbed as his father.—In my opinion, I think this review came from someone who was severely scorned at some point in her life and wants to read about revenge, but that’s not what this story is about. But, still, the review was a little odd because I’m pretty sure I’ve written the story well enough for readers to see that Bella and Edward do belong together and that they had just lost their way. It’s about finding that love again even through the faults of the other- which they both have. It’s about communicating and forgiveness, not revenge. They’ll get there and I don’t think adding more problems in would be realistic or helpful for the couple who are obviously still in love with each other.

 I would like to thank MsEm for taking time out of her busy schedule to stop by and chat with us.  Go read her fic and tell her A Slice of Lemon sent ya 

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