Sunday, July 17, 2011

Fic Review

I probably should introduce myself….My name is Nikka Bella, I write under Nikita2009 and I’m a fan of well written, but lemony scented stories…mainly E X B.  Big thanks to Jordan & Nicci for letting me post my rambling bullshit on here.  You can find me on here, facebook or on the twatter at @GrannyPantsSwan

And now onto the good shit:

Maybe by 107yearoldvirgin

Summary: Can Bella survive her assignment at SXSW when lust and infatuation combust in 19 days? Almost Famous meets Twilight with a dose of KoL and Edward behind the drums. AH Lemons - like you didn't know.

Ok, so those of you who know me, know I’m a Virgy fangirl from way back.  She can make you simultaneously cry, laugh your ass off, and want to hump a lot; now that’s real genuine talent.  Out of all her stories, my personal favorite has to be ‘Maybe’.  Three words:  Hot Musician Ward.  One day craving another Virgy fix, after I’d read ‘Into the Mystic’, ‘Progress’, and all of her other stories at the time I found another:  ‘Maybe’.  How the fuck I’d missed it I have no clue.  Eagerly I sat down to read.

Within just the prologue I was hooked…


The sound itself was unexpected, but the resulting sting and heat that followed was what caught me off guard. I stilled and pulled my lips from where they had been working meticulously around his nipple. He was still as stone while I sat back to look at his face.

"Did you just," I dropped my voice in disbelief, "smack my ass?"

His nose twitched. "Yeah."

"Why, may I ask, would you think that I like to have my ass slapped?" My weight shifted on his lap and he bit back a moan.

"You don't?"

"Do I look like Jenna Jameson? Because I think it's a little ballsy of you to assume that our first foray into consensual sex would include you smacking my ass."

"Just shut up, Swan. You're killing the mood." He kneaded the spot until the sting started to dissipate, while his hips pressed against me urgently. "You're so mouthy when you're drunk."

"Killing what mood? And if I'm drunk it's because I can't handle this anymore, Edward."

His eyes closed and he whispered, "Then leave."

"No. I've paid off every other bet and this one is no different." My false confidence was dissipating. I ran my tongue across his lower lip and bit down hard. "So, keep up your end of the…deal. Pun intended. And we can go back to hating each other in the morning, Mase Face."

Edward Masen is an angry brooding asshole musician; Bella a spirited, independent music journalist.  When they clash, fight, and find each other in 19 days the rest story explores what happens after they discover their crazy sexy need for each other and try to make a relationship work against all odds.

Music, bands..behind the scenes touring…and best of all: Kings of Leon covers and Edward on the drums.  Its snarky humor, sexy lemons and so much more…Virgy weaves just the right amount of angst, heart fail, humor and sex in an addictive story that leaves you wanting more.  Her Bella is strong, independent and sexy…she falls for Mase Face but at the same time fights to keep her own identity and she’s definitely not a wilting doormat canon Bella at all. The best part is attention and development given to other characters leading to fully drawn out Rose, Emmett, Alice, Jasper and the rest.  It’s a love story about E and B, but doesn’t rely only on them and their mini story alone.  Plus it has a Tanya I don’t actually want to punch in the chotch for once.  Give ‘Maybe’ a try and you’ll fall in love with 107yearoldvirgin’s characters too.

You can find Virgy’s stories on her blog at and can catch her on facebook and twitter.

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